У вас в городе завелся читер?
Кто-то по ночам "шатает порталы" в трех точках города одновременно?
Что делать?
1. Идём по ссылке:
2. Заполняем свои данные - емейл и ник.
3. Выбираем пункт Cheating
4. Пишем никнейм читера.
5. Вставляем текст:
Пишем описание происшествия.
Копируем то, что необходимо, из чата интела.
5. Прикрепляем картинку с тем самым чатом. НЕ с IITC, а с оригинального интеля.
Примерный текст одного репорта
Текст абузы (гуглопереводчик)
The player moved from the portal EvilHirurg1 http://www.ingress.com/intel?ll=50.358479,30.472546&pll=50.358479,30.472546&z=19 to the portal at http://www.ingress.com/intel?ll=50.341232,30.489680&pll=50.341232,30.489680&z=19 for 4 minutes. This is impossible, since the trip takes only 4 minutes to indicate the point B, and after it is a pedestrian area - car traffic is forbidden. The next screenshot shown that the second of the way takes additional 5 minutes. In total, 9 minutes.
Ссылка и текст абузы на мультов https://support.google.com/ingress/#topic=3261401&contact=1&ts=3453649,2869471,3058324
This user early used a lot of accounts which was banned (Majskij, EvilHirurg, LilGame, Panadol4ik, 4el...)
Now he again using a lot of accounts: DimaZombieTeam, LilyZombieTeam, AndyZombieTeam, EvilHirurg1 and possible VNKNadinantiSt . He often deployed portals with help some of them at the same time and I think he using fake gps program.
Please check this information.
Thanks for collaboration!
The player moved from the portal EvilHirurg1 http://www.ingress.com/intel?ll=50.358479,30.472546&pll=50.358479,30.472546&z=19 to the portal at http://www.ingress.com/intel?ll=50.341232,30.489680&pll=50.341232,30.489680&z=19 for 4 minutes. This is impossible, since the trip takes only 4 minutes to indicate the point B, and after it is a pedestrian area - car traffic is forbidden. The next screenshot shown that the second of the way takes additional 5 minutes. In total, 9 minutes.
Ссылка и текст абузы на мультов https://support.google.com/ingress/#topic=3261401&contact=1&ts=3453649,2869471,3058324
This user early used a lot of accounts which was banned (Majskij, EvilHirurg, LilGame, Panadol4ik, 4el...)
Now he again using a lot of accounts: DimaZombieTeam, LilyZombieTeam, AndyZombieTeam, EvilHirurg1 and possible VNKNadinantiSt . He often deployed portals with help some of them at the same time and I think he using fake gps program.
Please check this information.
Thanks for collaboration!